Mark Strabel (Owner & Operator)
I am a runner, skier, mountain runner, mountain biker, road cyclist, and a coach. I founded Strabel Racing Services after not being able to find anyone able to time races efficiently, and accurately. I started with a very simple premise, get accurate and quick results. I started with timing high school XC Running races, then expanded to high school XC Ski races, after that the flood gates opened, local 5k running races, mountain races, triathlons, it got to the point that I had to expand Strabel Racing Services or stop. In 2011, I explored RFID timing (Chip timing), and found that many of the major companies that provided chip timing were VERY EXPENSIVE! I wanted to provide affordable timing, but also have the accuracy of chip timing. I ended up building my own chip timing system. I was able to merge it with Summit Timing Systems, and with other timing systems. Fast forward to the present, I have partnered with RaceResult, one of the premier and affordable race timing systems in the world. This has allowed me to have the flexibility in order to time a variety of different races and provide a variety of services, and keep costs down for race directors.
I am a runner, skier, mountain runner, mountain biker, road cyclist, and a coach. I founded Strabel Racing Services after not being able to find anyone able to time races efficiently, and accurately. I started with a very simple premise, get accurate and quick results. I started with timing high school XC Running races, then expanded to high school XC Ski races, after that the flood gates opened, local 5k running races, mountain races, triathlons, it got to the point that I had to expand Strabel Racing Services or stop. In 2011, I explored RFID timing (Chip timing), and found that many of the major companies that provided chip timing were VERY EXPENSIVE! I wanted to provide affordable timing, but also have the accuracy of chip timing. I ended up building my own chip timing system. I was able to merge it with Summit Timing Systems, and with other timing systems. Fast forward to the present, I have partnered with RaceResult, one of the premier and affordable race timing systems in the world. This has allowed me to have the flexibility in order to time a variety of different races and provide a variety of services, and keep costs down for race directors.